( Translation from Norwegian by Christopher John Denton, - musical director of Holla parrish. )
 n the first years after the Second World War not very much happened to the building but later electric heating was installed in the church and a car park made. In the late 1950s the churchyard was levelled and made ready for motor mowing. In addition a new picket fence was put up around the site, the church was re-roofed and floodlighting installed.
ifts to the church in the 1950s/60s:
Baptismal jug from Ambjørg and Simon Ytterbøe. Flower vase from Helgen and Holla Farmers wives' association and two silver candlesticks from Ingeborg and Knut Kolle.
reparations for the 250th Anniversary of the church in 1985
(Written by the anniversary committee in `Helgen church 250 years')
  n the 1970s the parochial church council began thinking about the forthcoming 250th anniversary of the church and decided upon repainting the church outside and (particularly) inside. The first idea was to restore the interior to the colour scheme that existed before 1875, but after a visit from experts from the Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings it was concluded that there wasn't any evidence left of the interior from that time. There was evidence however, that the church had been repainted three times since 1876, with varying degrees of success. The inspectorate recommended that the restoration use the earliest layer of paint as the one to follow, and have sent a colour chart for use in the redecoration.
 ther desirable changes include a new staircase to the gallery and new panelling in the stair area. Also a new cupboard to house the church's silver, books and vestments.
 therwise it was suggested to move the pulpit nearer to the north wall of the church and maybe to lower it in order to make the altar better visible to parts of the congregation. Also the question came up on whether the altarpiece should be changed for the jubilee. A local artist from Telemark, Terje Grøstad was contacted about this. He drew up a sketch for a new design with a painting instead of the white cross from 1875-76. For this we owe much to Holla Sparebank, who made possible the connection with Grøstad by their gifts through the years.
 jørdis Aase Jøntvedt must also be named who has sewn a new altar cloth for the church.
 o aid the church council in their task a special jubilee committee was set up in 1979, and this consisted of Birgit Fotland, Anne-Lise Lie and Pet Ytterbøe.
 he committee have discussed the various alternatives for restoring and improving the building and have come to the church council with their recommendations. The engineering department of the commune have made the necessary drawings of the proposed work and sent them to the Inspectorate for approval. The external decoration of the church was completed in 1984. The church will be closed for 3 months from about 1st March 1985 in order that the remaining carpentry work and interior redecoration can be carried out.
 elgen, February 1985.
riest, staff and church council for the jubilee year are:
 riest Ravn Madland from 1980, sexton Arne Haukenæs from 1965, church administrator Hans Bjerva from 1947, there is no organist currently in post, verger/caretaker Leo Anderson from 1973.
hurch council:
Arne Langeland, Forman, Oddrun Bjerva, Åse Helgen and Aslaug Helgen.